Coral Spotlight- Pocilliopora, the most underrated coral. - Zeo Box Reef Aquaculture

Coral Spotlight- Pocilliopora, the most underrated coral.

Pocilliopora are the perfect choice for beginner aquarists who want to try their hand at SPS corals. They are brightly coloured, show great polyp extension and grow fast. They also have a sneaky trick up their sleeve. If they become stressed they can bail out their polyps, these polyps can settle and recolonise in a new location. Unlike Acropora where a polyp bailout event usually will end up in the demise of the coral.

Here at ZBR we like to grow our Pocci's at the bottom of the tanks. They only require medium lighting to grow and will show great colour at these levels. Here are a few types of Pocci's we are currently offering up for sale, click the below link.

Happy Reefing

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